The Weeknd Reminder

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ReminderThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd Reminder Şarkı Sözleri

Record man play my song on the radio
You too busy trying to find that blue-eyed soul
I let my black hair grow and my weed smokeAnd I sweat too much on the regular
We gon' let them hits fly, we gon' let her go
If it ain't XO then it gotta go
I just won a new award for a kids show
Talking 'bout a face numbing off a bag a blow
I'm like goddamn bitch I am not a Teen Choice
Goddamn bitch I am not a bleach boy
Whip game, make a nigga understand though
Got that Hannibal, Silence of the Lambo
Hit the gas so hard make it rotate
All my niggas blew up like a propane
All these RnB niggas be so lame
Got a sweet Asian chick she go low mane

You know me, you know me, you know me

Every time we try to forget who I am

I'll be right there to remind you again

You know me, you know me

Said I'm just tryna swim in something wetter than the ocean
Faded off a double cup, I'm mixing up the potion
All I wanna do is make that money and make dope shit
It just seem like niggas tryna sound like all my old shit
Everybody knows it, all these niggas know me
Platinum off a mixtape, sipping on that codeine
Pour it in my trophies, roll until my nose bleed
I'mma keep on singing while I'm burning up that OG
All my niggas get it, they make money all alone

Rock a chain around they neck, making sure I'm getting home
When I travel 'round the globe, make a couple mil' a show

And I come back to my city, I fuck every girl I know
Used to walk around with a slouch, had a mattress on the floor

Now my shit straight, eating all day, tryna lose weight
That good sex, we'll sweat it out

Hotel bed springs we'll wear it out
I ain't gotta tell you

'Cause you know me, you know me
You know me, you know me

Every time we try to forget who I am
I'll be right there to remind you again
You know me, you know me

Why don't you shake something, shake something
For the Don, don't you break nothing, break nothing
Big girl won't you work something, work something
For the Don, don't you hurt nothing, hurt nothing
Big girl won't you shake something, shake something
For the Don, don't you break nothing, break nothing
Baby girl won't you work something, work something
For the Don, don't you hurt nothing, hurt nothing

'Cause you know me, they know me
You ain't know me, now you know me


the weeknd reminder

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