The Weeknd False Alarm

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False AlarmThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd False Alarm Şarkı Sözleri

Bathroom stalls for the powder nose (She loves)
High heel shoes with the open toes (She loves)
She's got a good time wrapped in gold (She loves)For you, for you
All red dress with the devil eyes (She loves)
So obsessed with the camera lights (She loves)
You love her, but you can't deny (She loves)
The truth, the truth

She loves everybody
Can't you tell by the signs?
She loves everybody
She gets off all the time
It's a dark philosophy
And I haunt her constantly
It's a false alarm to me
She's a false alarm

False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)

Six inch long, 'bout three inch wide (She loves)
Dolla, dolla bill is her only type (She loves)
You love her but you'll never be (She loves)
The one, the one
Diamonds and the rings are her fantasy (She loves)
She chase hearts with the Hennessy (She loves)
You love her, but you'll never be (She loves)
Enough, enough

She loves everybody
Can't you tell by the signs?
She loves everybody
She gets off all the time
It's a dark philosophy
And I haunt her constantly
She's a false alarm to me
She's a false alarm

False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)

She always leaves the man she loves
But the diamonds are forever
She always seems to be alone
But the diamonds make it better

False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
False alarm! (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)


the weeknd false alarm

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