Sami Yusuf It's a Game

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It's a GameSami Yusuf

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Sami Yusuf It's a Game Şarkı Sözleri

Sami Yusuf It's a Game Şarkı Sözleri

It's a game
That they play

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

What a shame
What they say

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

Where are you in my dreams?
You feel so close but so far
When All I want is to see
Your face in front of me
You make me chase around
Shadows in the moonlight
Only for the sunrise
To open my eyes
Makes me jump to my feet
Walk around the city streets
Hoping that I'll find you
By my side
Then I feel your sunlight
Beautiful and so bright
Feeling I'm in your arms
For a while
Hours pass like a breeze
Moving through the palm trees
Hand in hand you and me
With your smile

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

What a shame
What they say

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

(You, my delicate beloved)

(You, the apple of my eye)
(Tied to you, at the heart)

(You are my deepest love, my beloved)

(Inhaling your scent, just like smelling a rose)

(Burning inside, with the fire of your love)

(I always look for, and ask of you)

(Always dream of reaching you)

تیرا تصور میرا ہی سکوں ھے
(The very mention of you becomes my tranquility)

تیرا نام لینا میرا ھے جنوں
(To take your name, it becomes my sanity)

وہ میٹھی باتیں تیری ھی سنوں میں
(Those sweet conversations of yours I would listen too)

دنیا برا مانے تو میں کیا کروں؟
(If the world deems them offensive, what do I care?)

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

What a shame
What they say

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

I need you in my life
Like the air with which I breathe
Salutations upon my beloved
So let them say what they want to say
Salutations upon my beloved
It's the same game they always play
Salutations upon my beloved
I'll turn my ears the other way
Salutations upon my beloved
It makes no difference either way
Salutations upon my beloved
It's a game they're always going to play
Let them say what they want to say
Salutations upon my beloved
It's a game, It's a game
It's a game, It's a game
It's a game, It's a game
They're always going to play
play, play, play, Play


sami yusuf its game

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