Roddy Ricch Down Below

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Down BelowRoddy Ricch

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Roddy Ricch Down Below Şarkı Sözleri

Scott Storch
A nigga came from the bottom, down below
'Member them cold nights, I was sleepin' on the floor
Always dreamed about the Forgiatto feet, now they down below
A nigga got so much money on me, I can't count no more
'Member I was in the project walls, couldn't even get along
Now these niggas got they hands out, if I ain't give it, I'd be wrong
'Member I was in the county jail none of these bitches wasn't pickin' up the phone
Now they beggin' my line, I ain't got time no more
A nigga started from the bottom, now I'm livin'
Early morning, uncle whippin' in the kitchen
Some people said I couldn't do it and then I did it
Look at my bank account, I'm runnin' up the digits
I ain't into all that "Doin'-that-facade" shit
I walk it, I talk it, I live it
Come to the bird house, look at the garage, nigga
My Bentley coupe got a couple pigeons
I was down on my ass, had to go a new direction
Bought mom a Gucci purse, gave her 10 racks, told her you ain't gotta stress it
It ain't even an emergency and a nigga 'bout to pull up in a 911
Just to feed my dawgs, I told God it's a blessin' (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Came from the bottom, down below
'Member them cold nights, I was sleepin' on the floor
Always dreamed about the Forgiatto feet, now they down below
A nigga got so much money on me, I can't count no more
Down below, down below
Down below, down below-ow-ow-ow
Down below, down below
Down below, down below-ow-ow-ow, yeah yeah
Roddy Ricch, yeah, I never took the safe route
Nigga came from the bottom, I had to make it out
I was trappin' in the box, I had to break out
Hurt my soul when the feds kicked down the vacant house
Black truck on the corner, they had a stakeout
Seen a dopeboy pullin' out a Wraith out
Had to get up out the hood to the lake house
The head chef 'bout to bring my steak out
I was pourin' up the liters, swipin' them Visas
They think a nigga Rondo 'cause I always kept a Nina
Now my jewelry wetter than Aquafina, quick trip to Catalina
White bitch bad as Selena, fuck her, then a nigga gotta leave
I just wanna shine like the Wraith roof stars 'cause a nigga been down so long
Ain't nobody see, bird vision, dawg, got it all on our own
'Member them nights I was trappin', I was trappin' all night long
Now I keep a shooter on the right, just in case a nigga try to do me wrong (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Came from the bottom, down below (Down below)
'Member them cold nights, I was sleepin' on the floor (Sleepin' on the floor, yeah)
Always dreamed about the Forgiatto feet, now they down below
A nigga got so much money on me, I can't count no more
Down below (Down below), down below (Yeah, yeah)
Down below, down below-ow-ow-ow (Woah, oh, oh)
Down below, down below (Woah, oh, oh, oh)
Down below, down below-ow-ow-ow, yeah, yeah
Scott, you lit this bitch up, nigga
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah)
(Yeah yeah, down below)
(Down below, down below, down below)
(Down below, down below, oh, oh)


roddy ricch down below

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