Passenger The Wrong Direction

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The Wrong DirectionPassenger

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Passenger The Wrong Direction Şarkı Sözleri

When I was a kid the things I did were hidden under the grid
Young and naive I never believed that love could be so well hid
dWith regret I'm willing to bet and say the older you get
It gets harder to forgive and harder to forget
It gets under your shirt like a dagger at work
The first cut is the deepest but the rest still flipping hurt
You build your heart of plastic
Get cynical and sarcastic
And end up in the corner on your own
'Cause I'd love to feel love but I can't stand the rejection
I hide behind my jokes as a form of protection
I thought I was close but under further inspection
It seems I've been running in the wrong direction oh no
So what's the point in getting your hopes up
When all you're ever getting is choked up
When you're coked up
And can't remember the reason why you broke up
You call her in the morning
When you're coming down and falling like an old man on the side of the road
'Cause when you're apart you don't want to mingle
When you're together you want to be single
Ever the chase to taste the kiss of bliss
That made your heart tingle
How much greener the grass is
With those rose tinted glasses
But the butterflies they flutter by and leave us on our arses
'Cause I'd love to feel love but I can't stand the rejection
I hide behind my jokes as a form of protection
I thought I was close but under further inspection
It seems I've been running in the wrong direction
There's fish in the sea for me to make a selection
I'd jump in if it wasn't for my ear infection
Cause all I want to do is try to make a connection
It seems I've been running in the wrong direction oh oh
Oh I'd love to feel love but I can't stand the rejection
I hide behind my jokes as a form of protection
I thought I was close but under further inspection
It seems I've been running in the wrong direction
I'd love to feel love but I can't stand the rejection
I hide behind my jokes as a form of protection
I thought I was close but under further inspection
It seems I've been running in the wrong direction oh
It seems like I'm running in the wrong direction oh
Seems like I'm running in the wrong direction oh
Well it seems I've been running in the wrong direction oh no
Seems I've been running in the wrong direction

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