NF Wake Up

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Wake UpNF

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NF Wake Up Şarkı Sözleri

You spend your life in a dream that you can't escape
'Cause you live your life in a coma, you're never awake
If you'd open your eyes then maybe you'd see what's at stakeYou're sleeping, you're sleeping

You make a lot of money and you live in a mansion
And pretty much got everything that you could ever imagine
But you feel like even though you got everything in the world
You got nothing
So what you do then is you start going backwards
You runnin' in a direction
And you lookin' for something that isn't real
And all you know is that you just gotta have it
What you're doin' is sleepin'
And thinking that you're awake and you're not
And the problem is that you don't know what you're after
So you put everything that you have into what you do
Hoping that one day maybe you don't have to feel like you're empty
But as you get older a lot of weight on your shoulders is getting heavy
Then you look back and you start to regret things
You only get one life
And every time you lookin' at yours
You feel like everything you have is a waste!
And the problem and the reason you could never fill a hole in your life
Is because you were never awake

You spend your life in a dream that you can't escape
'Cause you live your life in a coma, you're never awake

Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!

You wake up in the morning
But you feel like you never got up and go to work
And you feelin' like you ain't got a purpose
And you tryna get motivated but everything you do turns into a mess
Like you ain't nothing but worthless
And, yo, you look around
A lot of these other people you lookin' at
To you, you describe as perfect
So you point a finger at God and tell him to do his job
And fix ya life up 'cause nothin' is workin'!
And you will try to hide it and make it seem like it's nothin'
But really you feel like everything is crashin' around you
And you developed a problem in trusting in other people
Which later became an issue that would mentally pound you!
You only get one life
But every time you lookin' at yours you feel like all you ever see are mistakes
And the problem and the reason you could never move forward in life
Is because you were never awake!
Wake up

You spend your life in a dream that you can't escape
'Cause you live your life in a coma, you're never awake

Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!

You spend your life in a dream that you can't escape (Escape, escape)
'Cause you live your life in a coma, you're never awake (Wake up, wake up!)



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