Melanie Martinez The Principal

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The PrincipalMelanie Martinez

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Melanie Martinez The Principal Şarkı Sözleri

Sneaky, greedy, money seeking
Always peeping, fucking creeping
Got it on the down low
So you think you always squeaky
What if I had told your mother
Her son was a cruel motherfucker? Ah
It's not just me, it's everybody
Who thinks that you're fucking ugly
When you come and hurt us
Just so you can get your money
Forced to follow the leader
Who's being possessed by demons
I've tried to make you listen
But you won't, it's your way, right?
Killing kids all day and night
Prescription pills and online fights
Shooting at the angels while
Claiming you're the good guy
All you want is cash and hype
Fuck our dreams and that's not right
The principal, oh, oh
Oh, where's the principle?
Oh, where's the principle?
Oh, where's the principle? Oh, oh
Oh, where's the principle?
Oh, where's the principle?
Complicated, overrated
You're fixated and elated
By the separation in this place that you've created
Fuck all of your rules and guidelines
You shouldn't even be on the sidelines
Can't you see that we're all hurtin'?
If you're not teaching, we're not learnin'
Excuse me, how much are you earnin'?
I've tried to make you listen
But you won't, it's your way, right?
Killing kids all day and night
Prescription pills and online fights
Shooting at the angels while
Claiming you're the good guy
All you want is cash and hype
Fuck our dreams and that's not right
The principal, oh, oh
Oh, where's the principle?
Oh, where's the principle?
Oh, where's the principle? Oh, oh
Oh, where's the principle?
Oh, where's the principle?
You don't know the pain that you are causing
Yeah, your actions hurt, so do your words
The more you try to fuck us over
We will be there yelling at your front door
I've tried to make you listen
But you won't, it's your way, right?

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