Lana Del Rey National Anthem

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National AnthemLana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey National Anthem Şarkı Sözleri

Money is the anthem, of success, so before we go out
What's your address?
I'm your National Anthem, God, you're so handsome
Take me to the Hamptons Bugatti Veyron
He loves to romance 'em, reckless abandon, hold me for ransom, upper echelon
He says to "be cool" but, I don't know how yet, wind in my hair
Hand on the back of my neck
I said, can we party later on, he said, yes
Tell me I'm your National Anthem (Ooh yeah baby bow down, makin' me so wild now)
Tell me I'm your National Anthem (Sugar sugar, how now, take your body downtown)
Red, white, blue's in the skies, summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes
I'm your National Anthem
Money is the reason we exist
Everybody knows it, it's a fact-kiss, kiss
I sing the National Anthem
While I'm standing over your body hold you like a python
And you can't keep your hands off me, or your pants on
See what you've done to me give me Chevron
You said to "be cool" but, I'm already coolest
I said to "get real, don't you know who you're dealing with?
Um, do you think you'll buy me lots of diamonds
Tell me I'm your National Anthem (ooh yeah baby bow down, makin' me so wild now)
Tell me I'm your National Anthem (sugar sugar, how now, take your body downtown)
Red, white, blue's in the skies, summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes
I'm your National Anthem
It's a love story for the new age
For the six page, we're on a quick, sick rampage
Winin' and dinin', drinkin' and drivin', excessive buyin'
Overdose and dyin' on our drugs and our love and our dreams and our rage
Blurrin' the lines between real and the fake
God can only, I need somebody to hold me
He will do very well, I can tell, I can tell
Keep me safe in his bell, tower, hotel
Money is the anthem of success
So put on mascara, and your party dress
I'm your National Anthem, boy put your hands up, give me a standing ovation
Boy you have landed, babe in the land of, sweetness and danger, queen of Saigon
Tell me I'm your National Anthem (ooh yeah baby bow down, makin' me so wild now)
Tell me I'm your National Anthem (sugar sugar, how now, take your body downtown)
Red, white, blue's in the skies, summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes
I'm your National Anthem
Money is the anthem, God, you're so handsome, money is the anthem
Of success
Money is the anthem, God, you're so handsome, money is the anthem
Of success
Money is the anthem, God, you're so handsome, money is the anthem
Of success
Money is the anthem, God, you're so handsome, money is the anthem
Of success


lana del rey national anthem

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