Khontkar Ghetto

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Khontkar Ghetto Şarkı Sözleri

I grindin' so hard bitch
I came from bottom
I'm workin' like Mexican
I gotta shinin'
I touch the sky look
Now everything's fallin'
Bitch you don't know shit
I run this town and
This shit ghetto life
This is why I grind
(Grindin' so hard bitch)
I'm workin' like Mexican
I gotta shinin'
This shit ghetto life
This is why I grind
(I run this bitch)
Bitch you don't know shit
I came from bottom
We own the wicked games. Do you feel us
Me and them RedKeysKillas vamonos Manito why don't you tease us
Full moons are my hood's hunting season
Do you cry for your weakness
If you do you better call your personal Jesus
Bloody tears comes out from yo eyes
Sniff another line, what now? U're fearless
Still dunno whats the fear is
In God we trust yo, fuck all the theories
They killin' our childhood memories
Peace from the middle east
Call me tha lyrical terrorist
Mano I'm still trappin', rollin'
In the hood with an AK-47
Back from the hell, str8 to the heaven
That's my only fight till I became a legend
It's time to fire to start burnin' back
I think the monster is turnin' back to me
I will show you come take my han
Let me ink it down with that pen
Let's play, I'm down into the game
I'm sick to the stomach, sick to the brain
Runaway nigga I broke off my chains
Str8 to the heart like blood in your veins
I grindin' so hard bitch
I came from bottom
I'm workin' like Mexican
I gotta shinin'
I touch the sky look
Now everything's fallin'
Bitch you don't know shit
I run this town and
This shit ghetto life
This is why I grind
(Grindin' so hard bitch)
I'm workin' like Mexican
I gotta shinin'
This shit ghetto life
This is why I grind
(I run this town
Bitch you don't know shit
I came from bottom
They just don't my name yet
I will fuck up this game
I must be shine no lower shit takin' this placement
Mama thought me how to grind
Ballin' like Lebron now smashin' like King Kong now
Hustlin' at the corner, makin' money sunday
Feels like I'm killin' those motherfuckers
Nothing can do for these motherfuckers
Look at your sides everywhere shooters
No funny shit I'm talkin' papers rollin Backwoods
I'm talkin' hunnas foreign life rules one side me asians
My goons like agents, Neo shit flyin'
You died in Matrix my boys is fine
All I have got talent and family
You don't have probably my shit is solid like rock
These bitches foreign but so is my property
What you guys trying to fuck
All of you shittys like broken plak
I want that furs covering all of over my body
Shopping on shopping I wanna spend my days at the mall
I grindin' so hard bitch
I came from bottom
I'm workin' like Mexican
I gotta shinin'
I touch the sky look
Now everything's fallin'
Bitch you don't know shit
I run this town and
This shit ghetto life
This is why I grind
(Grindin' so hard bitch)
I'm workin' like Mexican
I gotta shinin'
This shit ghetto life
This is why I grind
(I run this town bitch)
Bitch you don't know shit
I came from bottom


khontkar ghetto

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