Khontkar A Day Wit Me

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A Day Wit MeKhontkar

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Khontkar A Day Wit Me Şarkı Sözleri

[Hook : Bixi Blake] (2x)
Come spend a day with me
In the hood
Feel the pain
Own the game
Come spend a day with me
Feels so good
Make it rain
Money gives you fame

[Verse 1: Bixi Blake]
I wanna fly, flow in the wind
But all I got is a couple of broken wings
Can you feel me it's deep shit
I'm rollin' in a deep trip
Tell me yo secrets, I promise Imma keep it
Deal with it we the best
We the RedKeyGang b*tch fuck the rest
This is RKG and we got RPGs ain't got no peace only got OG's
Que paso? que paso? que paso?
Got a 45 I'm on my MurciÈlago
Ridin' to chicago my homz are chicanos
I don't know whatchu doin' but I act like I know
You got a fancy world keep play around dance with fancy girls
Dream's life listen them lovely birds
One day you may hear some nasty words, B*tch
Wake up, str8 up, get up, realize mano truth hurts I'm fed up
Yeen got no risk ease yo mind
You got sophisticated fake life stories
Now lemme take you to a last ride
We're only 2 but it feels like fast five
Have another best night, one last time
Test mic ready for the best fight

[Hook : Bixi Blake] (2x)
Come spend a day with me
In the hood
Feel the pain
Own the game
Come spend a day with me
Feels so good
Make it rain
Money gives you fame

[Verse 2: Khontkar]​
Baby boy you don't know even know where I came from
You don't even know what I been through
You don't know even know what I did for my life
I grew by myself I lived in a room
There is no kitchen and bathroom
My mom washed me front of my house
Free my father free my brothers
Knowin' the struggle yeah fuck your kindness
Give my pistols girl we huntin' dramas
You trapped in my trap now you seein' dragons
I'm tellin' stories bout whole hood life
My dreams overseas I wanna make it
I'm chasin the money don't come up to my way
Better you run up
Big rats on my couch, I killed them with my mouth
I saw every dumb shit, I learned from the goat
It's dead on my block, It's still on the top
We carryin big guns, don't get in the fight
My dad locked up for beatin' them cops
We fuck all the cops, it's hood code you dumb
Gun sparks any time, better ready get down
Cuz bullets on the side, It's day in my life

[Hook : Bixi Blake] (2x)
Come spend a day with me
In the hood
Feel the pain
Own the game
Come spend a day with me
Feels so good
Make it rain
Money gives you fame

[Bridge : Khontkar]
Spend a day with me
Come spend a day with me
Spend a day with me

[Hook : Bixi Blake] (2x)
Come spend a day with me
In the hood
Feel the pain
Own the game
Come spend a day with me
Feels so good
Make it rain
Money gives you fame


khontkar day wit

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