Justin Bieber Confident

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ConfidentJustin Bieber

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Justin Bieber Confident Şarkı Sözleri

Justin Bieber Confident Sözleri

Don't do it to me
Don't do it to me
Oh no no, oh no no
Don't do it to me
Oh no no, oh no no
Don't do it to me
Oh no no, oh no no

Focused, I'm focused
She got a body like that
I ain't never seen nothing like that
Like a fantasy in front of me
I think that something special is going down
That's right I think she foreign
Think she foreign, got passports
Mi amor started slow, got faster
She gon' work some more, work some more
No stopping her now, no stopping her now

Then she started dancing, sexual romancing
Nasty but she fancy, lipstick on my satin sheets
What's your nationality? I wonder if there's more of you
She's got my attention, she's confident

Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
Oh no no, oh no no
And I'm down with it
Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
You could tell by the way she walks in the room

She said it's her first time
I think she might of lied
Feels so good damn, and I don't know why
I'm addicted, something like a headache
Got me twisted, but still I gotta have it
Explosive, explosive (I could still smell her perfume)
It's not hard to notice, that I'm open
Hypnotized by the way she moves

Then she started dancing, sexual romancing
Nasty but she fancy, mona lisa masterpiece
What's your nationality? I wonder if there's more of you
She's got my attention, she's confident

Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
Oh no no, oh no no And I'm down with it
Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
You could tell by the way she walks in the room

She said it's her first time
I think she might of lied
Feels so good damn, and I don't know why
I'm addicted, something like a headache
Got me twisted, but still I gotta have it

[Chance the Rapper]
Tattoos, piercings and she just learned to twerk
She ain't gotta heart or a ass, just her brains
Gotta ask cause her ass on a learning curve
And she love to hurn the berb, I mean burn the word
That's only legal with a doctors note
Real deep pockets like a doctors clothes
Stay fitted like Diddy, hair back tryna rock the vote
She the first mate wanna rock the boat
She never forget to ride like a bicycle
She like planes, trains, chains with icicles
It goes her, blank, blank, and rock & roll
She say "I know, honey bunny that's a funny thing"
Watch her twerk for a goodfella
She money dance with the money team

Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
Oh no no, oh no no
And I'm down with it
Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
You could tell by the way she walks in the room

She said it's her first time
I think she might of lied
Feels so good damn, and I don't know why
I'm addicted, something like a headache
Got me twisted, but still I gotta have it

Still I gotta have it
Still I gotta have it
Still I gotta have it
Oh no no, oh no no
Oh no no, oh no no
Oh no no, oh no no
Oh no no, oh no no
But still I gotta have it.


justin bieber confident

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