Jax Jones Instruction

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InstructionJax Jones

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Jax Jones Instruction Şarkı Sözleri

All my ladies
(What you, what you gonna do?)
All my ladies
Wind to the left, sway to the right
Drop it down low and take it back high (Who?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction (Why?)
Follow my simple instruction
Wind to the left, sway to the right
Drop it down low and take it back high (Who?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction (Why?)
Follow my simple instruction

You see me, I do what I gotta do, oh yeah
On the guest list, no need to queue, oh yeah
Me and my crew, we got the juice, oh yeah
So come here, let me mentor you, well

Some say I'm bossy 'cause I am the boss
Buy anything, I don't care what it cost
Stack like casino, Armani, Moschino
If you're The Supreme then I'm Diana Ross

All my ladies
Wind to the left, sway to the right
Drop it down low and take it back high (Who?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction (Why?)
Follow my simple instruction
Wind to the left, sway to the right
Drop it down low and take it back high (Who?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction (Why?)
Follow my simple instruction

(Step one)
Report to the dance floor when I say, oh yeah
(Step two)
Tell mom you'll be out 'til late, oh yeah
(Step three)
Pull up your bumper, cock up your waist, oh yeah
(Step four)
Grab somebody, now face to face, and say

Say that you're bossy 'cause you are the boss
Buy anything, you don't care what it costs
Stack like casino, Armani, Moschino
If you're The Supreme then I'm Diana Ross

All my ladies
Wind to the left, sway to the right
Drop it down low and take it back high (Who?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction (Why?)
Follow my simple instruction
Wind to the left, sway to the right
Drop it down low and take it back high (Who?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction (Why?)
Follow my simple instruction

Yo, see me 'av everyting what you want, put it 'pon me
The Dona's the realest star 'cause she don't play
They say I'm loco the way me do me thing
Gyal hafe back'o, back'o 'pon it
Gyal hafe stack'o, stack'o pon it
(All my ladies) Bad gyal, bad gyal
'Nough of dancing, 'nough of dancing, say enough of dan- cing
Bad gyal, bad gyal, mashin' up the thing, mash up the thing 'pon him

Say that you're bossy 'cause you are the boss
Buy anything, you don't care what it costs
Stack like casino, Armani, Moschino
If you're The Supreme then I'm Diana Ross

All my ladies
Wind to the left, sway to the right
Drop it down low and take it back high (Who?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction (Why?)
Follow my simple instruction
Wind to the left, sway to the right
Drop it down low and take it back high (Who?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction (Why?)
Follow my simple instruction

Bitch, I don't need introduction
Follow my simple instruction (Who? Why?)
Bitch, I don't need introduction
Follow my simple instruction


jax jones instruction

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