IC3PEAK Death no More

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Death no MoreIC3PEAK

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IC3PEAK Death no More Şarkı Sözleri

I fill my eyes with kerosene
Let it all burn, let it all burn
All of Russia is watching me
Let it all burn, let it all burn
I fill my eyes with kerosene
Let it all burn, let it all burn
All of Russia is watching me
Let it all burn, let it all burn

Now I'm prepared for anything at all
I've already spent my time in the internet jail
I'm going out in the street to play with my cat
But the cop car runs the cat over
I'm going through the city wearing my black hoodie
It's cold as usual and people are wicked
Nothing awaits me ahead
But I'm waiting for you, one day you'll find me

Wrapped up in gold chains, I'm sinking in this swamp
My blood is purer than the purest narcotic drugs
You and the others will get hooked for street protest tomorrow
And I'll go off the hooks in my new accommodation unit

I fill my eyes with kerosene
Let it all burn, let it all burn
All of Russia is watching me
Let it all burn, let it all burn
I fill my eyes with kerosene
Let it all burn, let it all burn
All of Russia is watching me
Let it all burn, let it all burn

Now I'm prepared for anything at all
I've already spent my time in the internet jail
I'm going out in the street to play with my cat
But the cop car runs the cat over
I'm going through the city wearing my black hoodie
It's cold as usual and people are wicked
Nothing awaits me ahead
But I'm waiting for you, one day you'll find me

Death no more
Death no more
Death no more
Death no more

Wrapped up in gold chains, I'm sinking in this swamp
My blood is purer than the purest narcotic drugs
You and the others will get hooked for street protest tomorrow
And I'll go off the hooks in my new accommodation unit
Wrapped up in gold chains, I'm sinking in this swamp
My blood is purer than the purest narcotic drugs
You and the others will get hooked for street protest tomorrow
And I'll go off the hooks in my new accommodation unit

Death no more
Death no more
Death no more
Death no more


ic3peak death more

IC3PEAK- Death no More mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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