G-Eazy The Beautiful Damned

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The Beautiful DamnedG-Eazy

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G-Eazy The Beautiful Damned Şarkı Sözleri

Ever seen a devil with a halo
Ever seen an angel with some horns
Everybody got their own demons (yeah)Everybody fightin' their own war (uh), oh oh

When you move this fast as I'm movin'
All the toxic things that I'm using
All the substances I'm abusin'
All the sex, and the drugs, and the boozin'
The decision is mine for the choosin'
But I can't understand what I'm losin'
'Cause I been this way, it's not a new thing
I know a Gemini can be confusing
Split right down the middle like there's two of me
No hiding, I bare all nudity
This is everything that comes with celebrity
Criticism, ridicule and it's suitin' me
Think about what I spent on some jewelry
But it all comes back to me usually
And it's none of y'alls business truthfully
You don't know 'bout the fame, what it do to me
I'm talking to myself like every night
You could try to be a better guy
But to understand a Gemini
Angel, devil, it's both him and I
Demons in me they just multiply
If I don't kill 'em all, I never try
Life is short, and men lie, women lie
But a legend he could never die

Ever seen a devil with a halo (uh)
Ever seen an angel with some horns (you know)
Everybody got their own demons
Everybody fightin' their own war (uh)
I can be an angel sometimes
I can be real fucked up
I miss you only sometimes
I give you real tough love
'Cause I'm a devil with a halo, ooh oh, oh oh
(Yeah) oh oh

Put the hours in, put the work in
Swear I try so hard to be perfect
But sometimes shit feels like a burden
'Cause I still ain't shit but a person
Switch lanes in the Porsche that I'm swervin'
Tell myself slow down off the bourbon
When you drive like that, it made me nervous
Not tonight, not closing the curtains
When I die, not trying to see hell
Feel like I'm headed that way in a V12
And I just broke up with my female
On tour, had to do it by email
But that's all I'ma save you the detail
Therapy with a beat and a freestyle
Either way, live today, I'ma be well
'Cause I never wanna let 'em see me fail
I'm talkin' to myself: What's wrong with you?
You should make some songs to turn up to
Thinkin' too much like you usually do
'Til you drink some liquor, then you're cool
Throw your brain away, that's all it takes
Dumb it down, but that's not what he makes
Then say fuck the sales, fuck the 'biz
It's not that easy Gerald, nothing is

Ever seen a devil with a halo (yeah)
Ever seen an angel with some horns (you know)
Everybody got their own demons
Everybody fightin' their own war (uh)
I can be an angel sometimes
I can be real fucked up
I miss you only sometimes
I give you real tough love (yeah)
'Cause I'm a devil with a halo, ooh oh, oh oh, oh oh


eazy the beautiful damned

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