G-Eazy Good Life

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Good LifeG-Eazy

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G-Eazy Good Life Şarkı Sözleri

Raise a cup up for all my day ones
Two middle fingers for the haters
Life's only getting greaterStraight up from nothing we go
Higher than the highest skyscraper
No Little League, we major
The proof is in the paper

We put the good in the good in the good life
We put the good in the good in the good life
We put the bad in the past, now we alright (Eazy)
Hey, ayy, ayeh (Kehlani, I got you) ayy, ayy

Yeah, and it's a feeling that I can't explain
How you make it and your team still stay the same
Stay down from the jump and they never change
Man, this a moment I could never trade, yeah
I told my moms not to stress no more
Go hit the Bentley store
And no credit card debts no more (I love you mom)
I bought the crib and it's in escrow now
So, you don't ever have to worry about how you gon' pay rent no more

I put my team in position, now they makin' a killin'
Stackin' blue faces straight to the ceiling
Out in Vegas I'm with 'em
Ordering bottles of that Ace when they sit 'em
'Til there ain't enough space up on the table to fit 'em
Go ahead and...

Raise a cup up for all my day ones
Two middle fingers for the haters
Life's only getting greater
Straight up from nothing we go
Higher than the highest skyscraper
No Little League, we major
The proof is in the paper

We put the good in the good in the good life (The good life)
We put the good in the good in the good life (I said the good life)
We put the bad in the past, now we alright (We alright)
Hey, ayy, ayeh (Yeah) ayy, ayy (Ahh)

Pour some Clicquot in the glass, have a toast to success
No looking back from here, no more being broke and distressed
I put my heart into this game like I opened my chest
We only pray for more M's while you hope for the best
We make these plays, man I'm finessin' these checks
Times up for everybody, I'm collecting on debts
And I swear this champagne just tastes better on jets
I'm just out here being great, man, this is as real as it gets

I put my team in position, now they makin' a killin'
Stackin' blue faces straight to the ceiling
Out in Vegas I'm with 'em
Ordering bottles of that Ace when they sit 'em
'Til there ain't enough space up on the table to fit 'em
Go ahead and...

Raise a cup up for all my day ones
Two middle fingers for the haters
Life's only getting greater (Yeah)
Straight up from nothing we go (Go up)
Higher than the highest skyscraper
No Little League, we major (Yeah)
The proof is in the paper (You know)

We put the good in the good in the good life (The good life)
We put the good in the good in the good life (I said the good life)
We put the bad in the past, now we alright (We alright)
Hey, ayy, ayeh, ayy, ayy

Damn right, from the bottom we rise
So high, now we cover sky lights
We're building an empire
We owe it all to each other
Just look at us right now, destined
We're so good right now, legend
Here's to you and I
Raise 'em to the sky (Yeah)

We put the good in the good in the good life
We put the good in the good in the good life
We put the bad in the past, now we alright
Hey, ayy, ayeh, ayy (Yeah-yeah-yeah, you know) (Auhh)
We put the good in the good in the good life (The good life)
We put the good in the good in the good life (I said the good life)
We put the bad in the past, now we alright (We alright)
Hey, ayy, ayeh, ayy, ayyh (Yeah-yeah-yeah)

Auhh, the good life


eazy good life

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