G-Eazy Get Mine

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Get MineG-Eazy

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G-Eazy Get Mine Şarkı Sözleri


Outta work, outta lineOutta money, outta time
Give a fuck, nigga, Imma get mine
Straight up out the gutter with the cake cutter in the 'fro
And my nigga sellin' dope up out the liquor store
Outta work, outta line
Outta money, outta time
Give a fuck, nigga, Imma get mine
Anything goes in the jungle, dog (Anything goes)
See, we can rumble, I might stumble but I refuse to fall

Outta work, outta time, look I'm out of it all
My bros got my back, won't allow me to fall
My banker is tellin' me he's proud of us all
You rappers are broke, what's the problem with y'all?
You're not original, there's a thousand of y'all
I heard your concerts are not crowded at all
I'm lit in the club, took her down in the stall
I been a real one, look, I walk 'fore I crawl
I'm straight to the point, Gerald's back in his bag
Brain in the whip, seat back in the Jag
Fuckin' up a check, see the price on the tag
Vacation in Kauai, man, life is a drag
Anything goes, that's life in the jungle
Leave her around me, you might be in trouble
I've seen what you make, I get it double
Turn into an asshole, fuck bein' humble

Outta work, outta line
Outta money, outta time
Give a fuck, nigga I'ma get mine (ha ha ha, fuck bein' humble)
Straight up out the gutter with the cake cutter in the 'fro
And my nigga sellin' dope up out the liquor store
Outta work, outta line
Outta money, outta time
Give a fuck, nigga I'ma get mine
Anything goes in the jungle, dog
See we can rumble, I might stumble but I refuse to fall

(Yeah, uh)
Oyster perpetual, my time is expensive
Cars on cars, coppin', I been excessive
Proof that the power of the mind is impressive
Conversations profit, I'm interested
Bitch so bad, big ass, big breasted
Guess who fucked, you got it, you guessed it
Murda Beatz blappin', Uncle Snoop blessed it
2017, really 'bout to start flexin'
I'm sorry if I shit on you, it's not my intention
Talk about Ms, K, you got my attention
Steinbrenner money, just signed an extension
Deal's life-changing, that's divine intervention
I look in the mirror and say "Bro, you the best out"
"You're a cold ass cat, go and poke your chest out"
"Really got it made, you don't have to stress out"
She wants me to give a fuck, sorry, bae, I'm fresh out

Outta work, outta line, outta money, outta time (what if I could?)
Give a fuck, nigga I'ma get mine (sorry)
Straight up out the gutter with the cake cutter in the 'fro
And my nigga sellin' dope up out the liquor store
Outta work, outta line, outta money, outta time
Give a fuck, nigga I'ma get mine
Anything goes in the jungle, dog
See we can rumble, I might stumble, but I refuse to fall


eazy get mine

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