French Montana Out Of Your Mind

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Out Of Your MindFrench Montana

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French Montana Out Of Your Mind Şarkı Sözleri

[Chorus: Swae Lee, French Montana & Chris Brown]
Out of your mind (Mind, mind, mind, mind)
I was with you that time (Time, time, time, time)
Fucking with me, you're out of your mind (Mind, mind, mind, mind)
I was with you that time (Time, time, time, time, ooh-ooh)
True, out of your mind (Out of your mind)
I was with you that time
You're fucking with me, out of your mind, out of your mind
Watching your body like a yardie
Turnin' to the next, that's word to Charlie
[Verse 1: French Montana & Swae Lee]
We is who they say they are
Champagne, caviar
Big tool like a Navy yard
Hop, hop out the coupe with mine
Super mind, shooters in a suit and tie
Stay here in Dubai, they was watchin' God
Hold up, hold up, she look to snatch a bod'
Kurt Cobain, out of your mind
Said, "Montana, you out of your mind"
[Chorus: Swae Lee, French Montana & Chris Brown]
Out of your mind (Mind, mind, mind, mind)
I was with you that time (Time, time, time, time)
Fucking with me, you're out of your mind (Mind, mind, mind, mind)
I was with you that time (Time, time, time, time, ooh-ooh)
True, out of your mind
I was with you that time
You're fucking with me, out of your mind, out of your mind
Watching your body like a yardie
Turnin' to the next, that's word to Charlie
[Verse 2: Chris Brown]
She pull on my pants and she said, "Let's go"
She holdin' my hand goin' to the dance floor
She wine up, she wine up, she wine up
Good thing I didn't peace sign up
Bad boy, not with all the back and forth
The only back and forth is fast and slow
She sign up, she sign up, she sign up, she signed up for it
She doin' somethin' to control the vibe
She give you lovin' and it multiplies
She got that fatty and it's supersized
I gotta have it, yeah, this me, all mine (Right now)
Run to me, come to la-di-da-di
Don't tell nobody, it's a private party
Experiencing an out-of-body
Really crazy, you're out of body
[Chorus: Swae Lee, French Montana & Chris Brown]
Out of your mind
Out of your mind (Mind, mind, mind, mind)
I was with you that time (Time, time, time, time)
Fucking with me, you're out of your mind (Mind, mind, mind, mind)
I was with you that time (Time, time, time, time, ooh-ooh)
True out of your mind
I was with you that time
You're fucking with me, out of your mind, out of your mind
Watching your body like a yardie
Turnin' to the next, that's word to Charlie
Out of your mind


french montana out your mind

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