Dennis Lloyd GFY

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GFYDennis Lloyd

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Dennis Lloyd GFY Şarkı Sözleri

Gotta think about it
Gotta think about it
Gotta think about it
Gotta think about it
Here I am, girl, talking to myself again
Every night I think about a way to end
All these accusations, all these allegations
Do you wanna know what I really think about them?
All these situations, riding on my patience
Do you wanna know what I really think about you, baby?
Go fuck yourself
Bitch, I gotta say that
Bitch, I gotta say that
Go fuck yourself
Bitch, I gotta say that
Bitch, I gotta say that
Here I am, girl, talking to myself again
Every day I think about the words you said yeah
All these accusations, all these allegations
Do you wanna know what I really think about them?
All these situations, riding on my patience
Do you wanna know what I really think about you, baby?
Go fuck yourself
Bitch, I gotta say that
Bitch, I gotta say that
Go fuck yourself
Bitch, I gotta say that
Bitch, I gotta say that
And whether your relationship is awful, good, or great
We don't like endings
We don't like to lose things
And especially, we don't like to lose things that are important to us
And make no mistake
Relationships are the single most important thing to you and your life
It's the source of all of your best memories
It's the source of all of your worst memories
When you think back on your life
And you're 95, a hundred years old
And you look back over the course of your lifetime
You're not gonna think
I wish I owned a better phone
I wish I spent more time on the internet
I wish I spent more time at work or sleeping
It's not gonna be any of those kinds of things
It's gonna be I wish I spent more time with the people I love
Where do you belong if I gotta think about it?
Gotta think about it, baby
Where do you belong if I gotta think about it?
Gotta think about it, baby
Where do you belong if I gotta think about it?
Gotta think about it, baby
Where do you belong if I gotta think about it?
Gotta think about it, baby
Where do you belong if I gotta think about it?
Gotta think about it, baby
Where do you belong if I gotta think about it?
Gotta think about it


dennis lloyd gfy

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