Burna Boy Level Up (feat Youssou N Dour)

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Level Up (feat Youssou N Dour)Burna Boy

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Burna Boy Level Up (feat Youssou N Dour) Şarkı Sözleri

Oh, I'd have to be twice as tall
At least to feel better than I do
Yes I'd have to be twice as tall
At least, I mean me multiplied by two (by two)
(I mean me multiplied by two, by two)
Oh, I'd have to be thrice as wide
At least to feel better, you'll agree
Yes, I'd have to be thrice as wide
At least I mean me magnified by three (by three)
(I mean me magnified by three, by three)
(I've got a daisy)
I remember when I couldn't level up
I was trying but I couldn't level up, it was rough, you see
Start feeling like I had enough, then I contemplate giving up (ay)
If you're feeling like you can't level up
Omo make you no stop at all
Because right when you start feeling like you can't level up
That's when you haffi shut the devil up
I remember when I couldn't level up
No my money couldn't level up
Doing what I must, seems like there's always another level up
That's why you always found me looking up
But sometimes, inna mi life, you know me haffi rebel up
Might hear about my fights in the club
Everyday me try level up
So me striking dem hard, me go hard until I get to God
Niafer Ko
Djek Djekal ko
You can do it, whoa, whoa
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop
Gueumeul sa bop way
Niafer Ko
Djek Djekal ko
You can do it, whoa, whoa
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop
Gueumeul sa bop way
Ah, yeah
Yeah, ay
I remember when I couldn't level up
'Cause the Grammys had me feeling sick as fuck
Throwing up and shit
Asking questions like, "Why it wasn't us?
Almost had a nigga feeling envious (serious)
Tell dem say dem can't bury us
Tell dem say dem can't bury us
'Cause the love, make me stand up every time when me fall
Come back standing twice as tall (hmm)
I never thought that I could level up
'Til I started filling all these venues up (now it's regular)
All I wanted was weed in my rizzla
And some VVS to ice my bezel up (run it up)
Some of my guys might never see the sun
Some of them still peddle drugs (run it up)
If you know that you ain't never show me love
And you like me better when mi gun ah buss
Boy I'm telling you
I remember selling out my tour
I remember feeling legendary in Wembley arena
And you can never take the pride away from my mama
You'd be proud of me too, if you knew where I was coming from
And to anybody wey dey doubts me
I swear to make sure you never forget about me
If you think it's over, then you must be drowsy
I'm a mother fucking legend and I say it proudly
Djekal ko
Oh, Djekal ko
Djekal ko
Djekal ko
Eee, eee
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Niafer Ko
Djek Djekal ko
You can do it, whoa, whoa
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop
Gueumeul sa bop way
Niafer Ko
Djek Djekal ko
You can do it, whoa, whoa
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop
Gueumeul sa bop way
Sometimes you're in a situation where you have no choice (Ah, yeah)
You have to fight (yeah, ay, eee, eee)
Fight my people
Let's go, let's go
Let's go
Don't be afraid to step into your greatness people
I know it's scary
(Wake up) But it's magical

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