Black Eyed Peas The Time

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The TimeBlack Eyed Peas

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Black Eyed Peas The Time Şarkı Sözleri

I had the time of my life
And I've never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you
Oh I had the time of my life
And I've never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you
Dirty bit
Dirty bit
I-I came up in here to rock
Light a fire, make it hot
I don't wanna take no pictures
I just wanna take some shots
So come on, let's go
Let's lose control
Let's do it all night
'Til we can't do it no more
People rockin' to the sound
Turn it up and watch it pound
We gon' rock it to the top
Until the roof come burnin' down
Yeah, it's hot in here
The temperature
Has got these ladies
Gettin' freakier
I got freaky, freaky, baby
I was chillin' with my ladies
I didn't come to get bougie
I came here to get crazy
I was born to get wild
That's my style
If you didn't know that
Well, baby, now you know now
'Cause I'm
A good Time
With you
I'm tellin' you
I had the time of my life
And I've never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you
Oh I had the time of my life
And I've never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you
Dirty bit
Dirty bit
All-all these girls, they like my swagger
They callin' me Mick Jagger
I be rollin' like a Stone
Jet-setter, jet-lagger
We ain't messin' with no maggots
Messin' with the baddest
Chicks in the club
Honey, what's up?
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Yeah, it's gotta be the Apl
I'm the mack daddy, y'all
Haters better step back
Ladies (don't load your act)
I'm the party application
Rockin' just like that
'Cause I'm
A good Time
With you
I'm tellin' you
I-I-I-I had
The time of my li-I-ife
And I've never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear
This is tru-u-ue
And I owe it all to you-ou
Oh, I-I-I-I had
The time of my li-I-I-ow
And I've never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear
This is tru-u-ue
And I owe it all to you-ou
I-I-I-I had
The time of my li-I-ife
And I've never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear
This is tru-u-ue
And I owe it all to you-ou
Oh, I-I-I-I had
The time of my li-I-I-ow
And I've never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear
This is tru-u-ue
And I owe it all to you-ou
Dirty bit
Welcome, this is the beginning
For every ending is mega starter
When they bring the dark we bring the light
Lets go


black eyed peas the time

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