Arizona Zervas Drain Me

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Drain MeArizona Zervas

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Arizona Zervas Drain Me Şarkı Sözleri

Yeah aye yeah yeah (yeah yeah uhh yeah)
Take-take it easy word to 94
Seen you taking pictures on the gram (On the gram)
What I gotta do to be your man? (Be your man)
I been working hard and going ham (Going ham)
Out in Hollywood yeah that's yeah land (Yeah that shit land)
Snapping all those pictures on your iPhone
I just wanna take you back to my home
I know I got issues but you get me
I would make you mine if you let me
But you, but you drain me
Keep me waiting
I don't switch up for nobody
But you change me
Seen you going to the party but you don't take me
What the fuck I'm supposed to do
Why you acting cool girl
Girl I know you got some options
Girl don't act like I don't got some too
Baby tell me what's the problem
'Cause I'm tryna give my all to you
Now you got me in my feelings
Taking up all of my energy
Yeah you got me in my feelings
Got me talking with this hennessy
Every single time I
Seen you taking pictures on the gram (On the gram)
What I gotta do to be your man? (Be your man)
I been working hard and going ham (Going ham)
Out in Hollywood yeah that's yeah land (Yeah that shit land)
Snapping all those pictures on your iPhone
I just wanna take you back to my home
I know I got issues but you get me
I would make you mine if you let me
But you, but you drain me
Keep me waiting
I don't switch up for nobody
But you change me
See you going to the party but you don't take me
What the fuck I'm supposed to do
Why you acting cool girl, why you acting cool
I don't ever do nothing wrong to you
But you always be hating
Why you always call
Asking for the moves
But when I hit you up
You always tryna play me
Shit don't make no sense
I might go back to my old ways
Make a song about you
Spend the profit on a gold chain
I ain't tryna ghost but you make me wanna go cold
And put my heart on airplane mode
'Cause you got me in my feelings
Taking up all of my energy
Now you got me in my feelings
Got me talking with this Hennessy
Every single time I
Seen you taking pictures on the gram (On the gram)
What I gotta do to be your man? (Be your man)
I been working hard and going ham (Going ham)
Out in Hollywood yeah that's yeah land (Yeah that shit land)
Snapping all those pictures on your iPhone
I just wanna take you back to my home
I know I got issues but you get me
I would make you mine if you let me
But you, but you drain me
Keep me waiting
I don't switch up for nobody
But you change me
See you going to the party but you don't take me
What the fuck I'm supposed to do
Why you acting cool
Girl I know you got some options
Girl don't act like I don't got some too
Baby tell em what's the problem
'Cause I'm tryna give my all to you
Now you got me in my feelings


arizona zervas drain

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