Akon Sunny Day

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Sunny DayAkon

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Akon Sunny Day Şarkı Sözleri

Who'd ever thought that I would see this day
Where I would see my ghetto life fade away
'Cause I was lost and couldn't find a way
And now I look forward to every day (welcome to my sunny day)
Block don't stop always stayed hot
No matter how the seasons got
I still remember when they took me away
Kept it on lock then I got caught
Realized I had to stop
Then I took the time to explore a better way
Searched high and low, so close, yet so far to go
I just know, there's a sunny day
Who'd ever thought that I would see this day
Where I would see my ghetto life fade away
'Cause I was lost and couldn't find a way
And now I look forward to every day
Welcome to my sunny day
My sunny day
Every day
A better day
Welcome to my sunny day
My sunny day
Every day
A better day
Welcome to my sunny day
I was born in the ghetto, raised in the ghetto
Saw my first 9 millimeter in the ghetto
I got my first kiss in the ghetto
Playin' hide go seek with the girls in the ghetto
I wrote my first hit in the ghetto
Yo Mona Lisa, can I get a date on Friday-ay-ay
It's hard for me to let go, life in the ghetto
The night they blast my cousin, whoa
I had to find a way out the ghetto
Picked up the guitar, started singin' in the ghetto
Haters used to hate in the ghetto
Said I would have never made it out the ghetto
I guess that's why my cousin sold the yayo
Even though Annie said the sun come out tomorrow
But the ghetto stay dark
I never thought I'd ever see the Billboard charts
Who'd ever thought that I would see this day
Where I would see my ghetto life fade away
'Cause I was lost and couldn't find a way
And now I look forward to every day
Welcome to my sunny day
My sunny day
Every day
A better day
Welcome to my sunny day
My sunny day
Every day
A better day
Welcome to my sunny day
Been a long day
On my way to my holy place to pray
Give thanks for every blessing given to me
I know there's more to see
More to me
No more living in misery
'Cause this is how I visioned life to be
Search high and low, so close, yet so far to go
I just know, there's a sunny day
Who'd ever thought that I would see this day
Where I would see my ghetto life fade away
'Cause I was lost and couldn't find a way
And now I look forward to every day
Welcome to my sunny day
My sunny day
Every day
A better day
Welcome to my sunny day
My sunny day
Every day
A better day
Welcome to my sunny day


akon sunny day

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