Siames Used To Be

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Used To BeSiames

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Siames - Used To Be Halaýan aýdym-saz sanawyňyza goşuldy!
Siames - Used To Be Halaýan aýdym-saz sanawyndan aýryldy!
Halaýan aýdym-saz sanawyňyza goşmak üçin hasaba alyň ýa-da giriň!

Girmek ýa-da Hasaba alyş
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Aýdym üçin teswir ýok. Ilkinji teswir ýazyň!

Siames Used To Be Sözleri

you are not the one you used to be!
when she was
still looking at him
while he was
running off the dance floor
pink was the sound
squares on the ground
mixed up with the sound
with the shame of disaster
and the fire on the walls...
she used to blame herself
scared to death
affraid to fail
but it was enough
so she played rough
and said...
you are not the one you used to be
(no matter how you walk into my place)
you are not the one you used to be
(no matter how you look into my face)
you are not the one you used to be
if she was wrong
he was right
on her
for so long was a blight
any spark
could start a fight
they used to dance
out of spite
and from the bottom of her soul she said:
leave him to me
i can't stand him anymore
but it was enough
so she played rough
and said...
you are not the one you used to be
(no matter how you walk into my place)
you are not the one you used to be
(no matter how you look into my face)
you are not the one you used to be
no matter how
you walk into my place
you are not the one
you used to be
no matter how
you look into my face
you are not the one
you used to be.


siames used
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