Zara Larsson Symphony (feat Clean Bandit)

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Symphony (feat Clean Bandit)Zara Larsson

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Tempo: 03:37 Dimensioni:: 3.34 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 1



Zara Larsson Symphony (feat Clean Bandit) I testi

I've been hearing symphonies

Before all I heard was silence

A rhapsody for you and me

And every melody is timeless

Life was stringing me along

Then you came and you cut me loose

Was solo singing on my own

Now I can't find the key without you

And now your song is on repeat

And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat

And when you're gone, I feel incomplete

So if you want the truth

I just wanna be part of your symphony

Will you hold me tight and not let go?


Like a love song on the radio

Will you hold me tight and not let go?

I'm sorry if it's all too much

Every day you're here, I'm healing

And I was runnin' out of luck

I never thought I'd find this feeling

'Cause I've been hearing symphonies

Before all I heard was silence

A rhapsody for you and me
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