Yungblud California

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Yungblud California I testi

Got cuts on your eyes
Preachin' to me sayin' you sympathize
Misunderstanding I
Am alright, it's you that need glasses
Why can't you see
That I am ok you take more drugs than me
Chewing your cheek
I can't believe you put me in a straight jacket
They tried to put me on Ritalin
Visions of calming me down
They tried to put me on Ritalin
Hopin' I don't make a sound
Maybe I just need to go to California
'Cause I am young, don't wanna die, yet can't afford it
Maybe I just need to go to California
Swear that when I get old you'll blow all my brains out
Swear that when I get old you'll blow all my brains out
Blow all my brains out
Blow all my brains out
I don't understand
How I can respect you when you're such a twat
What you shocked at?
It's a matter of fact
And usually I would listen to you
But when my future's involved
I got a responsibility to sit down
And think what I should do
Shout 'Fuck him, Fuck her, and Fuck you too'
They tried to put me on Ritalin
Visions of calming me down
They tried to put me on Ritalin
Hopin' I don't make a sound
They tried to put me on Ritalin
Visions of calming me down
They tried to put me on Ritalin
Hopin' I don't make a sound
Maybe I just need to go to California
'Cause I am young, don't wanna die, yet can't afford it
Maybe I just need to go to California
Swear that when I get old you'll blow all my brains out
Swear that when I get old you'll blow all my brains out
Blow all my brains out
Blow all my brains out
Rip my heart up
Pull it out of my chest
Rip my heart up
Pull it out of my chest
Rip my heart up
Pull it out of my chest
Rip my heart up
Pull it out of my chest
Maybe I just need to go to California
'Cause I am young, don't wanna die, yet can't afford it
Maybe I just need to go to California
Swear that when I get old you'll blow all my brains out
Swear that when I get old you'll blow all my brains out
Maybe I just need to go to California
'Cause I am young, don't wanna die, yet can't afford it
Maybe I just need to go to California
Swear that when I get old you'll blow all my brains out
Swear that when I get old you'll blow all my brains out


yungblud california
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