Twocolors Never Done This

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Never Done ThisTwocolors

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Twocolors Never Done This I testi

Like in those cinema movies

Baby shot right through me, uh-huh

Swear to god he knew me

God damn, got to me, uh-huh

I was raised on running and

You slow me like Ativan, uh-huh

I'm never gonna let you go

I already told you so

You're sweeter than honey and a heavenly kiss

Bonnie and Clyde would've never done this

I'm never gonna let you go

I already told you so

You're sweeter than honey and a heavenly kiss

Bonnie and Clyde would've never done this

I know that it's killing me slowly

I want you to hold me, uh-huh

I know that you're trouble

But I could take it double, uh-huh

I was raised on running and

You slow me down like Ativan, uh-huh

I'm never gonna let you go

I already told you so

You're sweeter than honey and a heavenly kiss

Bonnie and Clyde would've never done this

I'm never gonna let you go

I already told you so

You're sweeter than honey and a heavenly kiss

Bonnie and Clyde would've never done this

Never getting off the ride

'Cause I really love the high

I'm gonna take it if it's guaranteed risk

Bonnie and Clyde would've never done this

I'm never gonna let you go

I already told you so

You're sweeter than honey and a heavenly kiss

Bonnie and Clyde would've never done this


twocolors never done this
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