Trevor Dering Sammy Sosa

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Sammy SosaTrevor Dering

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Tempo: 03:34 Dimensioni:: 3.28 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 8



Trevor Dering Sammy Sosa I testi

I’ve been feeling kinda so so
I think you already know though
You hit me out the park like you Sammy Sosa
What am I supposed to do now that there’s no you?

It just sucks cause I straight miss you
We ain’t even try to discuss the issue
All these lonely nights leave me with tissues
And they can’t help me

So baby please

Pick me up and put me up inside your light
Take me on your secret night ship every night hits
Lets just fly this straight into the northern silence
I’m not driving

I’ve been feeling kinda so so
I think you already know though
You hit me out the park like you Sammy Sosa
What am I supposed to do now that there’s no you?

You told me you would not leave
Now i’m searching U.A.V
I ain’t got no place to be
Just laying here with me
But i don’t wanna lay here
and I don’t wanna stay here all night sad

So baby please

Pick me up and put me up inside your light
Take me on your secret night ship every night hits
Lets just fly this straight into the northern silence
I’m not driving

I’ve been feeling kinda so so
I think you already know though
You hit me out the park like you Sammy Sosa
What am I supposed to do now that there’s no you?

I’ve been feeling kinda so so
I think you already know though
I’ve been feeling kinda so so
I think you already know though


trevor dering sammy sosa
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