Trevor Daniel On My Own

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On My OwnTrevor Daniel

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Trevor Daniel On My Own I testi

Baby, I been stressed
And if I don't move on, I think I'll be dead
Left me off to the side, lately, I been a mess
I don't need your love, I
Thinking 'bout how you gone, I don't really miss you no more
I don't really miss you at all
I don't really miss how you walk, I don't really miss how you talk
Whenever you called when I needed someone
I'm better by myself
I don't need you, don't need nobody else
Girl, I'm good, yeah, I'm good
Yeah, I'm good, yeah, I'm
Always down for you, I was down
Always down for you, left me cold
When I was down for you, I've been down
I've been down for you, always
Back to the words you said and the messages
And if I don't move on, think I'll end up dead
I keep hearing your voice in the back of my head
Everything you left, but I moved on
Ready to bed, already gone
I don't need you back, baby, moved on
Not turning back, I'm on my own
And I'm fine with that
Yeah, I'm good on my o-own
Yeah, I'm good on my o-own
Yeah, I'm good on my o-own
Yeah, I'm good on my o-own
I remember
Never thought that I'd ever be without you
Now you gone and I'm left here without you
I don't need your love anyway
I was down, always down for you
I was down, always down for you
Left me cold, when I was down for you
I've been, I've been down
All I do is play back to the words you said and the messages
And if I don't move on, think I'll end up dead
I keep hearing your voice in the back of my head
Everything you left, but I moved on
Ready to bed, already gone
I don't need you back, baby, moved on
Not turning back, I'm on my own
And I'm fine with that
I'm on my o-own
I'm all on my o-own
Already gone, not turning back
On my own


trevor daniel own
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