The Weeknd Losers

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Tempo: 02:50 Dimensioni:: 2.62 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 21


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The Weeknd Losers I testi

Only losers go to school

I taught myself how to move

I'm not the type to count on you

Because stupid's next to "I love you"

No? So what can you show me

That my heart don't know already

We make our own sense

And you're qualified to me

What can you show me

That my heart don't know already

We make our own sense

And you're qualified

And you're qualified

Only losers go to school

They can't teach what they can't prove

Come put this inside a test-tube

Because stupid's next to "I love you"

So what can you show me

That my heart don't know already?

We make our own sense

You're qualified to me

What can you show me

That my heart don't know already?

Cause we make our own sense

And you're qualified

And you're qualified to-

And you're qualified

And now that we're all grown up

Who do we owe it to?

And now that we've gone this far

Who do we owe it all to?

We did it all alone

Now we're coming for the throne

We did it all alone

Now we're coming for the throne

And now that we all came up

Do we lose? Do we lose?

So what can you show me

That my heart don't know already?

Cause we make our own sense

And you're qualified to me

What can you show me

That my heart don't know already?

Cause we make our own sense

And you're qualified to me

And you're qualified to me


the weeknd losers
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