The Weeknd Coming Down

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The Weeknd Coming Down I testi

All alone

All alone

All aloneAll alone

I got something to tell you, but don't know how I'mma say it

I guess that I could only say one thing

Girl, I been bad again

Girl, I been bad again

'Cause with this money comes problems

And with these problems comes solutions

And I use 'em

When I'm faded, I forget

Forget what you mean to me

Hope you know what you mean to me

(Pick up your phone...)

The party's finished and I want you to know

(I'm all alone...)

I'm feelin' everything before I got up

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

Poppin' again, I tried to quit again

I'm always tight with somethin' I begin

That's why my niggas got me to the end

Supply what I take, I take what I spend, baby

I ain't lied to nobody but me

And you, and me

But you especially

(Pick up your phone...)

The party's finished and I want you to know

(I'm all alone...)

I'm feelin' everything before I got up

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

Pick up your phone...

I'm all alone...

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)

I always want you when I'm (coming down)


the weeknd coming down
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