The Score Stay

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StayThe Score

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The Score Stay I testi

I've been lying to myself, at night

Thinking everything is alright

Yeah, I get lost in this state of mind

Losing my words got me, got me, got me tongue tied

Doubt myself and I don't know why

I wish I wasn't this person sometimes (times, times)

I make mistakes but I think it's just fine (fine, fine)

It's just fine

And I tell myself

Stay, who you are

Don't be afraid

When it all comes crashing

Stay, who you are

Don't be afraid, stay

I'm so tired trying to walk the line

Just to measure up, I'm done trying

Yeah, I get lost in this state of mind

Losin' my way every, every, every time, I

Doubt myself and I don't know why

I wish that I could be perfect sometimes (times, times)

I make mistakes but I…


the score stay
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