Tatu You And I

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Tempo: 03:15 Dimensioni:: 2.99 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 7



Tatu You And I I testi

You and I
Hold me tight
You and I
Gotta fight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
Say goodbye
You and I
Feels so right
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
For the rest of our lives
Every night
We're all alone
Every night
My only hope
Is the light
That's shining from inside you
Cause you believe
In what we are
You believe
In what we'll be
Give me strength
So I can stand beside you
No truths to confirm
No lies to deny
Too hopeless to care
We're too scared to cry
You and I
Hold me tight
You and I
Gotta fight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
Say goodbye
You and I
Feels so right
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
For the rest of our lives
Just a side
To an anguished street
For what we believe
If we hide
Maybe we can make it through this
Is it fair
To be burned away?
Is it fair
That we live this way?
For a life we didn't ask for
No truths to confirm
No lies to deny
Too hopeless to care
We're to scared to cry
You and I
Hold me tight
You and I
Gotta fight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
Say goodbye
You and I
Feels so right
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
For the rest of our lives
You and I
Hold me tight
You and I
Gotta fight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
Say goodbye
You and I
Feels so right
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
For the rest of our lives


tatu you and
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