Tate McRae Rubberband

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RubberbandTate McRae

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Tate McRae Rubberband I testi

Was it a wasted couple months?
Sneaking outta the window, spending nights in limbo
Was that all there was for us?
Midnight driving, running through highland
Does it make me the criminal?
That I let you go
That I broke us and left
I hate that I never know
Why you're still so caught up in my head
I know you wanted a promise
I wasn't ready, can I be honest?
Never knew what I had until I lost it
And I got this rubber band on my wrist, on my wrist
And I snap it every time that I think about your lips
Got this rubber band on my wrist, on my wrist
Almost break it every time when I'm tryin' to forget
I know that I have never been good at this
Love you in a second, next you know I'm checking out
Of moments I shouldn't miss
Now I'm looking through the photos
Wishing I…


tate mcrae rubberband
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