Tate McRae Dear Parents

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Dear ParentsTate McRae

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Tate McRae Dear Parents I testi

[Verse 1]

16, lot on her mind

Gotta few friends, left the rest behind

But guess that's just what happens, people change

Stressed out but is always "fine"

They be asking, but she can't describe

Maybe, they're right, it'll all be fixed with age


Hate that you've been saying I'm dramatic

Immature because I just don't wanna talk

You ever think that you might be overreacting?

Promise I'm thinking, overthinking quite a lot


They say we're crazy and useless, making stupid excuses

To go make bad decisions when we're hurt

And we're not crazy romantics but we still know what a heart is

And know that when it's cracked it really burns


Oh we know more than what we tell you

But can't always put into words

And we don't cry because we want to

But you'll assume it's because she's another 16 year old girl

[Verse 2]

High school's been a terrifying one

She thinks she won't ever find someone

To build her back when she's in pieces and pieces again

Let's not forget about all the

One's who go and run their mouths just to

Stay relevant and not miss out


Hate that you've been saying I'm dramatic

Immature because I just don't wanna talk

You ever think that you might be overreacting?

Promise I'm thinking, overthinking quite a lot


They say we're crazy and useless, making stupid excuses

To go make bad decisions when we're hurt

And we're not crazy romantics but we still know what a heart is

And know that when it's cracked it really burns


Oh we know more than what we tell you

But can't always put into words

And we don't cry because we want to

But you'll assume it's because she's another 16 year old girl


tate mcrae dear parents
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