Stephen Sincerely

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Stephen Sincerely I testi

I'm calling this the love crusade

The truth is like a black bouquet

Money's got us all enslavedThe bullets and the bombs we make, oh, no

It doesn't have to be this way

But I promise it'll stay this way

If you would rather hear me say

That everything is all okay

I don't care for your drugs, I don't care for your fame

Do you care for the truth if you're not entertained?

I can see through your eyes, I can see through your pain

And you're scared to admit, you feel out of place

Can you hear that, darling?

A revolution's calling

No child of ours should have to starve

Should have to die for us

Can you feel that, darling?

The monster's marching

This is it, this invitation is

For the ones who love


I'm telling you, the world looks perfect from a plane

A couple miles up and we all look the same

One love tryna show us the way

One love that is trying to change

And if we connect with that, then we should be enraged

These fat cats want us lost in the maze

And they're scared 'cause we're breaking the chain

They're scared 'cause we're 'bout to escape

Can you hear that, darling?

A revolution's calling

No child of ours should have to starve

Should have to die for us

Can you feel that, darling?

The monster's marching

This is it, this invitation is

For the ones who love


There's a billion people

That could use a hero

Come together, we're the tether

Of this love that's spinning 'round

We could be that miracle

Can you hear that, darling?

A revolution's calling

No child of ours should have to starve

Should have to die for us

Can you feel that, darling?

The monster's marching

This is it, this invitation is

For the ones who love



stephen sincerely
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