Sigrid Home To You

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Home To YouSigrid

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Sigrid Home To You I testi

Couldn't wait 'til I got outside

Wondering, what the world be like

I knew I had to change my mindDidn't realize it would happen, oh, so soon, oh, so soon

But I see the world so different now

But there's a place by the sea and that's my town

When I don't know what to say

When I don't know what to do

There's a room I need to sit in

Surrounded by my favorite view

And I need a hand to hold

Someone to tell the truth

Would it be okay if I came home to you?

Independence comes with a price

When questioning your own advice

But I know I'll be alright

With an open door, no matter what

I do, what I do

But I see the world so different now

But there's a place by the sea and that's my town

When I don't know what to say

When I don't know what to do

There's a room I need to sit in

Surrounded by my favorite view

And I need a hand to hold

Someone to tell the truth

Would it be okay if I came home to you?

No, I don't want to keep on coming

When I'm miles away

And you're too far away

Oh, but if I need you to remind me

That nothing has changed

Would it be okay, would it be okay for you?

And I see the world so different now

'Cause there's a place by the sea and that's my town

When I don't know what to say

When I don't know what to do

There's a room I need to sit in

Surrounded by my favorite view

And I need a hand to hold

Someone to tell the truth

Would it be okay if I came home to you?

No, would it be okay if I came home to you?


sigrid home you
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