Sia Elastic Heart

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Sia Elastic Heart I testi

And another one bites the dust

Oh, why can I not conquer love?

And I might have thought that we were oneWanted to fight this war without weapons

And I wanted it, I wanted it bad

But there were so many red flags

Now another one bites the dust

Yeah, let's be clear I'll trust no one

You did not break me

I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

Cos I've got an elastic heart

I've got an elastic heart

Yeah, I've got an elastic heart

And I will stay up through the night

Let's be clear won't close my eyes

And I know that I can survive

I'll walk through fire to save my life

And I want it, I want my life so bad

I'm doing everything I can

Then another one bites the dust

It's hard to lose a chosen one

You did not break me

I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

Cos I've got an elastic heart

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

Cos I've got an elastic heart

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

Cos I've got an elastic heart

I've got an elastic heart.


sia elastic heart
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