Sevdaliza Marilyn Monroe

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Marilyn MonroeSevdaliza

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Tempo: 03:33 Dimensioni:: 3.26 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 17



Sevdaliza Marilyn Monroe I testi

It's true
In this life
I've never been the one
in your eyes
I've never been the truth
All you saw was a broken mirror
And they told
me to care
When trying to fix your heart
It's unfair
I'm trying to fix myself
and not care too much about you
It's true
In this life
I've never been the one
in your eyes
I've never been the truth
All you saw was a broken mirror
And they told
me to care
When trying to fix your heart
It's unfair
I'm trying to fix myself
and not care too much about you
He never really wanted me to be his wife
I was nothing more than a trophy
It was incredibly suffocating
I'd find myself wanting him rather dead then alive


sevdaliza marilyn monroe
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