Selena Gomez Zedd

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ZeddSelena Gomez

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Tempo: 04:06 Dimensioni:: 7.60 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 13


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Selena Gomez Zedd I testi

I want you to know that it's our time

You and me bleed the same light

I want you to know that I'm all yours

You and me run the same course

I'm slippin down a chain reaction

And here I go here I go here I go go

And once again I'm yours in fractions

It takes me down pulls me down pulls me down low

Honey it's raining tonight

But storms always have an eye have an eye

Tell me you're covered tonight

Or tell me lies tell me lie lie lie lie

I want you to know that it's our time

You and me bleed the same light

I want you to know that I'm all yours

You and me we're the same force

I want you to know that it's our time

You and me bleed the same light

I want you to know that I'm all yours

You and me run the same course

I want you to know that it's our time

You and me bleed the same light

I'm better under your reflection

But did you know did you know did you know know?

That's anybody else that's met ya

It's all the same all the same all the same glow

Honey it's raining tonight

But storms always have an eye have an eye eye

Tell me you're covered tonight

Or tell me lies tell me lie lie lie

I want you to know that it's our time

You and me bleed the same light

I want you to know that I'm all yours

You and me we're the same force

I want you to know that it's our time

You and me bleed the same light

I want you to know that I'm all yours

You and me run the same course

You and me run the same course

I want you to know that it's our time

You and me bleed the same light

I want you to know that I'm all yours

You and me run the same course.


selena gomez zedd
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