Sean Paul feat Dua Lipe-No Lie

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feat Dua Lipe-No LieSean Paul

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Tempo: 03:48 Dimensioni:: 3.50 Mb Download: 32 Viste: 22



Sean Paul feat Dua Lipe-No Lie I testi

Feel your eyes, they all over me

Don't be shy, take control of me

Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight

Baby girl, yuh a carry ten ton a phatness, gimme some a' dat

Pink sweetie badness, look how she hot

She a black like goddess, but a nah jus dat

It's a good piece 'a mentals under di cap

Hot piece of gear mami love how yuh chat

Watching every step 'a di pepper deh whe yuh got

Stayin' in ma brain, memberin' all the touch

Mainly my aim is to give you this love

Hypnotic, the way you move

Let me acknowledge the way you do

And I would not lie, baby you

Beam me up like Scotty (Baby gal)

It's so hypnotic, the way you move

That's why I wanted to get to you

And I would not lie, baby you

Move so hypnotic

No lie (Gyal we never miss)

Feel your eyes, they're all over me…


sean paul feat dua lipe lie
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