Sami Yusuf You Came To Me

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You Came To MeSami Yusuf

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Sami Yusuf You Came To Me I testi

Sami Yusuf You Came To Me Şarkı Sözleri

You came to me in that hour of need
When I was so lost, so lonely
You came to me, took my breath away
Showed me the right way, the way to lead
You filled my heart with love, showed me the light above
Now all I want is to be with you
You are my one true love, taught me to never judge
Now all I want is to be with you

Allahümme salli ala seyyidina mustafa
Ala habibike nebiyyike mustafa

Seni andım, Sana muhtacım, Nurunla aydınlandım
Hayatım senle anlamlı, Sende çözüldü herşeyin sırrı Sana kurban olsun, canım feda olsun, Yeter ki ruhum seninle olsun
Günahlarda kayboldum, Acılarla yoğruldum, Yeter artık ruhum seninle olsun


Showed me right from wrong
Told me to be strong
Need you more than ever ya rasulallah
You came to me in that hour of need
Need you more than ever ya rasulallah
You filled my heart with love, showed me the light above
Now all want is to be with you
You are my one true love, taught me to never judge
Now all I want is to be with you



sami yusuf you came
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