Sami Yusuf I'm Your Hope

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I'm Your HopeSami Yusuf

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Tempo: 03:24 Dimensioni:: 6.30 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 53


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Sami Yusuf I'm Your Hope Şarkı Sözleri

You are the hope for our globe
Don't give up nor despair
There's nothing you can't repair
You can change this world to a better world
With your souls, with your souls
Do not harm me, I am your truth
Do not kill me, for I'm your youth
I am your hope, I am your truth
I'm your faith, I'm your youth

Bilqawli walamal, antumul-amal
With words and action, you are the hope
Salimhum ya rabb
Grant them peace oh lord, grant them peace oh lord

Bil-ilmi wal-qalam, yudfa'u-l'alam
Through knowledge and the might of the pen, pain will be pushed aside

La tansani ana dhameeruk
Don't forget me for I'm your conscience

La tu'dhini ana shababuk
Don't harm me I'm your youth

Salimhum ya rabb
Grant them peace oh lord, grant them peace oh lord


sami yusuf your hope
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