Sabrina Carpenter Right Now

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Right NowSabrina Carpenter

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Sabrina Carpenter Right Now I testi

We'll never be as young as we are right now
We'll never see the world like we do right now
So take in what's around you, put your camera down
Take a shot, give it all you got
I have a way of getting stuck on yesterday
I tell him it's the little things that come our way
Always looking forward, always looking back
They seem so near, but then I hear
'Cause time moves on so quickly, without or with me
I've got to take a breath
And slow down, slow down
My mind is racing
Catch up, catch up
I've got to pace myself, I'm always wondering,
But I don't need to go right now
Let go, let go
We hold our fears too tight
Begin, begin
To live your life, the present is our future past
We've got to make this moment last right now
Have you ever noticed how your heartbeat feels, when your
Love is so exciting 'cause it's getting real
Have yourself listen to obtain your soul
But that's your intuition and it always knows
Time moves on so quickly, without or with me
I've got to take a breath
Slow down, slow down
My mind is racing
Catch up, catch up
I've got to pace myself, I'm always wondering,
But I don't need to go right now
Let go, let go
We hold our fears too tight
Begin, begin
To live your life, the present is our future past
We've got to make this moment last right now
Right now, right now
Enjoy the ride, ready to run right now
Right now
Let go, let go
We hold our fears too tight
Begin, begin
To live your life, the present is our future past
We've got to make this moment last, right now


sabrina carpenter right now
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