Royal Blood Boilermaker

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Royal Blood Boilermaker I testi

I was looking for some kind of saviour

Someone still counting on

My worst behaviour

Knew there would be trouble

With devil eyes and magic hands

I'm all mixed up

Head like a cocktail shaker

Living in a house like an old bodega

Got the odds looking in my favour

Staring at the bottom of a boilermaker

So keep your feet on the ground

And listen to the sound of a real money maker

Something's twisted up

Right inside me

I'll let you use it up

So when you do leave

Take me to the edge and let me show you what was on my mind

Don't put all your money on me 'cause you and me are two of a kind

I'm all mixed up

Head like a cocktail shaker

Living in a house like an old bodega

Got the odds looking in my favour


royal blood boilermaker
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