Rita Ora Your Song

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Tempo: 03:12 Dimensioni:: 2.95 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 11



Rita Ora Your Song I testi

I woke up with a fear this morning

But I can taste you on the tip of my tongue

Alarm without no warning

You're by my side and we've got smoke in our lungs

Last night we were way up, kissing in the back of the cab

And then you say love, baby, let's go back to my flat

And when we wake up, never had a feeling like that

I got a reason so man, put that record on again

I don't want to hear sad songs anymore

I only want to hear love songs

I found my heart up in this place tonight

Don't want to sing mad songs anymore

Only want to sing your song

'Cause your song's got me feeling like I'm


rita ora your song
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