Rita Ora Hell Of A Life

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Hell Of A LifeRita Ora

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Tempo: 03:55 Dimensioni:: 3.60 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 5


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Rita Ora Hell Of A Life I testi

Black days

No headlights on the freeway

Fuck everything and run, run, run

It's just a shadow way

So blurry

Why is everybody worried?

'Cause I'm just havin' fun, fun, fun

There's nothin' wrong with me (ayy, yo)

You look like you'd be heaven for a night (for the night)

Make me wanna die (it's a hell of a—)

You look like money, money, dollar signs

My ticket to the ride (it's a hell of a life)

It's a hell of a life (ayy, yo, ayy, yo, ayy, yo)

It's a hell of a life


Or maybe I'm a make-believer

Or a fighter in the storm, cold war

Against the color grey

It gets heavy


rita ora hell life
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