Ragn Bone Man Grace

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GraceRagn Bone Man

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Ragn Bone Man Grace I testi

Said I loved you without hesitation
So easy for you to break my foolish heart
Now I wonder if you ever speak my name
Will I always be defined by my mistakes?
In the eyes of a saint I'm a stranger
We're all trying to find a way
At the death of every darkness there's a morning
Though we all try
We all try
We're all one step from grace
I made myself believe
There was no fight left in me
But redemption doesn't fall down at your feet
In the half light
We raised a hand to my defeat
And I watched the world fall
And I rebuilt it piece by piece
In the eyes of a saint I'm a stranger
We're all trying to find a way
At the death of every darkness there's a morning
Though we all try
We all try
We're all one step from grace
I wonder why we give up on love
When it's always within reach
You and I, we suffered this enough
We all try
We all try
We're all one step from grace
In the eyes of a saint I'm a stranger
We're all trying to find a way
At the death of every darkness there's a morning
Though we all try
We all try
We're all one step from grace


ragn bone man grace
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