Radiez feat Goxsu-Nedenlerim Var

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feat Goxsu-Nedenlerim VarRadiez

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Tempo: 02:50 Dimensioni:: 2.62 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 4


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Radiez feat Goxsu-Nedenlerim Var I testi

shorty be tripping
thinking about the shit that i be doing
yeah i be sipping
thinking about the shit that im pursuing
constantly spitting
never been static i always be moving
spiritual lifting
deep with the bars as im puffing a cuban
(yeah yeah)
they be calling my phone like what it do? (what it do)
cut the convo short im in the booth (in the booth)
they be texting me with all caps saying that they miss me
i got goals on my mind girl i cant be reminiscing
i got reasons too to be chilling in the booth
I got reasons too to be chilling in the booth, said
i got reasons too to be chilling in the booth
i got reasons too to be chilling in the booth


Sınırlar çizdi hayat
Dedi ki; yaşa böyle!
Çığlık gibiydim karanlıklara hep yankılanan ve sonra dedim yarın yok öyleyse yazman gerek
Anlatmam neden niye
Dertlerin hepsini üstüme çekme de üstüme yok!
Değişir dengem değişir herşey
Eşit değiliz anla ,
Değişir gündem değişir herşey

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