Pearl Jam I Got Shit

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I Got ShitPearl Jam

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Pearl Jam I Got Shit I testi

My lips are shakin'
My nails are bit off
It's been a month since I've heard myself talk
Only advantage this life's got on me
Picture a cup in the middle of the sea
And I fought back in my mind
Never lets me be right
I got memories, I got shit
So much it don't show
Oh, I walked the line
When you held me in at night
Oh, I walked the line
When you held my hand and I
On empty shells seem so easy to crack
Got all these questions
Don't know who I could even ask
So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
And I'll stay in bed
Oh, little I've seen there
If just once I could be loved
Oh, I'd stare back at me
Oh, I walked the line
When you held me in at night
Oh, I walked the line
When you held my hand and I
Oh, I walked the line
When you held me close at night
Oh, I paid the price
Never held you in your eyes


pearl jam got shit
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