NIVIRO Apocalypse

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Tempo: 04:13 Dimensioni:: 3.88 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 83


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NIVIRO Apocalypse I testi

Atoms falls apart
Solar flares arrive
Buildings collapse
Only a few survive
The world as we know if
Will no longer be there
Water is gone
A new era has begun
Prepare yourself...
...for The Apocalypse
Prepare yourself...
...for The Apocalypse
The heat is scorching
Forests're burnt up
The sky colour's red
Volcanoes erupt
The world as we know if
Will no longer be there
Water is gone
A new era has begun
Prepare yourself...
...for The Apocalypse
Prepare yourself...
...for The Apocalypse


niviro apocalypse
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